If you do, they will take you to child services, question you and your parents. You may end up in a foster home in a different location and different school. I would make sure it is very serious, before you do something like this.
If your parents are just hitting you just because for no reason then yes call 911/social service but if you did something wrong and you know you did, its their way of punishment.
Its not like youâ™re the only kid getting spanked w/a belt or hanger⦠thatâ™s what my dad and all his brother use to get hit w/when they did something wrong.
Now a day if a parent hits a kid its child abuse thatâ™s why when you go out you always see those bad kids screaming and yelling the head off because their parents are too scared to do anything and that why kids now a days are brats and they do whatever they want.
My parents spanked me with a belt, a hanger, a shoe and
a drum stick. I turned out to be a law biding citizen and
a pretty good mom. What you have received is called a spanking. It is legal because it falls under discipline not
abuse. Now if your back has large red welts and sores
and you have many bruises then yes that is abuse.
911 is for life threatening emergencies. The spanking has already happened and your life is not in danger. Sorry dear but I don't think you can do this.
Technically but who really cares.
Unless you're actually being abused don't waste the cops time.
Edit: Come on people, don't be such alarmists, there's a common sense distinction between a spanking and child abuse. I was spanked and I lived in a much happier and healthier environment than most of my friends and their passive parents.
No. 311 is what you want. It is the non emergency number.
Is your cousin a jerk? before you dial that number understand this: if Child protective services(CPS) intervenes, you may go to a group home. Group homes are horrible places. Trust me when I say a wire hanger or a belt would be paradise compared to the "joy" that is a group home.
Your parents now have a permanent and possibly criminal record.
I am not saying what is going on is right, (if it even is) but there is spanking, hitting, neglect and then out and out abuse. for me, abuse is life threatening. Some of us just have crappy homes. There is sometimes a fine line between a crappy up-bringing and an abusive one.
My guess is, there is nothing wrong with you or your cousin Marine Corp boot camp cant fix.
Yes, you can -- your cousin is correct.
Before I go into what would actually happen and what you should take into consideration when deciding whether or to whom you report your abuse (and hitting a child, especially with an object like a belt or clothes-hanger, is absolutely child abuse; if it would be illegal for a parent to hit another adult, it's just as illegal for them to do the same thing to their child, if not more so) let me just say that I am shocked, disgusted and HORRIFIED at the number of people who responded to this question saying things like "if you did something wrong they can punish you any way they want" or "the cops won't care and you'll get in trouble for calling" or "if Family Services gets involved it will be worse than whatever your parents do to you." These people are wrong.
How do I know? I've worked as a Guardian ad Litem -- an independent person, sometimes but not always a lawyer, appointed by a judge to represent the interests of a child when the legal system becomes involved in that child's family life, whether through reports of abuse or neglect, or due to a "messy" divorce where both parents accuse the other of being the "bad" parent. My training and experience was specifically with cases where a child was abused or neglected and the child was removed from their parents' home temporarily. (Depending on the state, the circumstances of the report, and what kind of abuse the parents are accused of, the child may be separated from their parents for only a few hours, or for several months.)
Not every kid who is removed from their parents' home for their own protection is placed in a group home. In fact, most of them aren't, because there are long waiting lists for group homes, and only kids whose parents have treated them so badly that the court isn't willing to risk sending the child home until after the parent(s) have proved they can learn to do a better job are even put on those lists. Also, many group homes are meant for children with special needs of some kind -- developmental or physical disabilities, drug or alcohol addiction, etc.
There are "private" foster homes, which are usually the home of someone with a kids of their own and a big heart, or with grown children and an "empty nest" they want to offer to kids who need somewhere temporary to stay, or who can't have children of their own and are taking in foster children partly because they hope to eventually adopt a child from the foster-care system. (But most kids in foster care CAN'T be adopted by their foster parents, because even when they've been taken away from their parents for their own safety, the law still recognizes that they're a family, just a separated one.)
The first thing most state agencies do in a situation when there's a report of child abuse and a child needs to be removed from their parents' home, though, is try to find a family member or even a family friend who can have the child stay with them while the agency investigates the accusation of abuse. Now, it is possible, especially if you call on a Friday afternoon, or a holiday, when most of the agency's offices are closed, that you might spend one or two nights somewhere not really appropriate, like a facility for juvenile offenders, but the agencies that investigate child abuse do try to avoid that, even more now than they used to.
(I call them "the agencies" because every state calls its agency a different name: ACS, DCF, CFS, and a bunch of other acronyms. This is one reason why calling the police is a good first step: cops respond to "domestic" calls all the time, where one member of a family is hurting another, so they know exactly what to do and who to call.)
I'll say this again: "Spanking" a child with a belt, hitting them with a hanger, or even hitting them bare-handed (a light tap on a toddler's diaper is a different kind of spanking, and no kid over 5 years old should be getting "spanked" in any way) IS A CRIME. That's not my opinion, it's the law, everywhere in the U.S.
It's not necessary for you to call 911 to get help, especially if the hitting didn't happen right before you call. You can call the "police non-emergency number" which you can find in the front or government section of the phone book (and usually in the "white pages" too, under "[MyCity] Police" or just "Police"). In some areas, you can call 911, inform the operator right away that you need the police but it isn't an emergency, and be transferred to the non-emergency line -- my city is like that -- but other places have real emergencies coming in almost constantly, so you might get in a little trouble if you're not in fear of getting hit again right when you call.
Or you can call the agency that investigates child abuse in your state -- if you don't know their number or name, go to http://211.org to look it up or get the number for your state's toll-free help line (in many areas the number is 211) and an operator on that line can tell you who to call. You could also tell someone like a teacher, doctor, neighbor or relative, but it's better to contact police or the agency yourself if you can.
If you call the police, one or more officers will come to your home. They'll ask you, your parents and anyone else around what happened. Your parents might be arrested (or might not) but if they are, they would most likely be able to get out on bail the same day (or the next day if they're arrested in the evening). The police might be angry, but they'd be angry at your parents for hitting you, not at you for calling. At least one cop would stay with you to make sure you stayed safe until a worker from the agency got there to take you somewhere safe while the agency investigates. Some of the same things might happen if you call the agency first, because agencies sometimes ask police to be there when they go to begin their investigation, in case the parent attacks the child or the worker.
Reporting that your parent is abusing you can be scary, and finding yourself swept up in a bureaucratic system designed to help as many children as possible can be confusing and, yes, also scary. But no child should have to suffer being hit the way you describe. Even if you did something wrong first, hitting is ASSAULT, a crime, and adults aren't allowed to hit kids even if the kid did something illegal first, including hitting or stealing or doing drugs. (If you did do something illegal, that will probably come out, but kids go to special court and usually only get "probation," which is like getting grounded by the police, especially if they've never been in trouble before; and after a kid with a "juvenile" police record turns 18, their record is "sealed" and can't be used against them anymore.)
If the agency's investigation shows there was no abuse, as sometimes happens when parents lie really well, or someone made up an accusation that wasn't true, the child goes home within hours or at most a few days. (And again, you're NOT likely to be sent to some hellhole group home or kiddy-prison.) If they find there was abuse though... well, then something wonderful happens.
The family gets help! A judge will order the parents to get counseling and/or take a parenting class (and the state will pay for this stuff if the parents can't afford it!) so that they can learn ways to punish they kids without hitting, and/or ways to control their anger so they don't hit people just because they're having a bad day. If a parent has a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, or even is having trouble affording food, clothes or shelter for themselves and their kids, the state will help them with that, too. And during all of this time, the parents and their kids will get to visit together (older kids can often refuse visits if they want) even if they can't live together again until the judge is sure that's safe. In many cases, actually, even if there is abuse, the agency or judge will decide it's safe enough for the child to go back home while the family gets help.
See, the #1 priority of family courts is keeping families together. Of course in cases when parents don't want to change, the court will give them lots of chances, but won't send children back to unsafe homes. If a parent is really horrible and refuses to stop abusing their child for years, eventually the court might decide they've used up their chances, but that's pretty rare. Most families that need help get back together after no more than a few months and are much happier afterwards.
So please, if your parents are hitting you the way you describe -- or someone else's parents you know are doing it to them -- call for help. You can call the police, you can call Infoline (211.org), or you can ask an adult you trust to call for you, but please, GET HELP. Help for you and for your family.
No, and don't bother wasting the time of the hard-working cops that would have to respond to this less-than-important phone call. 911 is for emergencies only - not because you didn't get your way and got in trouble for it. Now if you're getting punched, kicked, etc...then you can call 911. Most places it's legal to spank your kids, or smack them with an open palm.
That depends on where they hit you and why. Spankings are for teaching you not to do wrong like lying, stealing, fighting and countless other things. It's called discipline and everybody needs it sometimes. But if they do it when you haven't done anything wrong, I would tell someone, maybe a teacher.
If your parents are hitting/hurting you for no reason, then call child abuse.
On the other hand, if you're doing something to really piss your parents off, then they have every right to spank you.
But why would you wanna call 911, come on.
Well yes you can call 911. Keep in mind, you may get removed from your home. My friend called the police on her dad when she was in high school. She thought he'd go to jail, but instead she got sent to the juvenile girls home for three days.
No, You can if you want call Social Services and ask them to take you away from your parents. They may decline but if you have enough bruises/scars to prove you've been badly beaten they probably will say yes. Is this really what you want though?
unless you didnt do anything wrong
its punishment you need to except.
later think about what youve
done wrong and apologize for wrong doing.
you dont have to call the cops if your the case.
remember...the choice is yours so do the right thing! :)
well it depends on how much the pain is and the situation. if it gets really bad i would. no parent has a right to hit a kid period i dont care what the law says but if my mom would do it to an extent i would but thank god i dont live with her anymore
No, frankly, it gives you the oppurtunity to publish a self-novel describing this experience. Essentially, you'll just become a billionaire. Maybe you should consider arming them with medieval weapons...THAT'D BE KINKY
god made your butt soft so that people could discipline you there.
you could call, but no one would honestly care.
they didn't rape you or anything.
i get disciplined with all of that stuff and it has made me a better pperson.
THEY DIDN'T ABUSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I wouldn't unless you are seriously injured. Call the police (station) or call an abuse hotline. 1-800-4-A-CHILD
Only call 911 if it's an emergency. Call the regular dispatching number if it's not. And you need to be ready to be thrown into the foster care system if you do it.
technically speaking, yes. its considered child abuse. if its their hang they can, but if you have marks, and it happens a lot you could. i wouldn't call 911 though, i'd just tell a guidance counsler...
you can call 911 for any reason though im not sure they will care about your situation unless you were beaten really badly.
Yes, you can.... If its just with a hand it's fine but if it's with a belt or especially a hanger it's illegal.
As punishment? It depends. If the child did something bad enough to piss off the parents, they deserved it.
yes you can that's child abuse
my dad hits me with the belt
You can but they might not take it very seriously. Best bet is don't do it in the first place. it will cause more trouble
omg yes of course you can that is child abuse
yeah but if you really love them you wouldn't do that because then you will feel guilty and you won't be able to get them back.
well if they do it often then yes you could but if its just because you did something wrong and they only did that once then no you should not call 911
It's abuse... I get hit with dull knifes and Horse whips.... just as bad ya know so.... Call child abuse or somethin'
just threaten ur parents that ur gonna tell the police on them... or make them cry and u fake cry.... try " but ur my own mother" or sometihng like that make them feel wat ur feeling
depends for what reasons, is it constant for no reason? you should call the kids help phone
It all depends, if tehy do it all the time it couold be called child abuse. OR at least tell someone.
i think it would be really great and smart to do something, like tell someone or, like you said, call 911. good luck